First off, I just looked at my
first post about pointe and wow, can't believe how new and shiny my shoes were! You may not recognize them, but these are, shockingly enough, the same shoes:
Sorry about the not-so-well-taken photos, the lighting wasn't the greatest when I took them.So yeah, they're a lot more worn now! The tip actually is a bit blacker now, I think, these photos were taken a couple weeks ago. The tap/hard shoes leave scuff marks on the studio floor and the satin picks them up.
They're starting to die (go soft and provide less support) but they've still got some life in them. These have actually lasted quite well, but then I guess I'm only taking half an hour of pointe per week. Professional ballerinas go through a pair every performance, or if it's a particularly intense show, a pair an act! So 5 months and counting is quite good.
Anyhow, thanks for reading!