Friday, January 15, 2010


Well, some time last year I started recognizing the fact that I was a complete and utter nerd. It was the 50K-novel-in-a-month thing that really made me realize. It also made me realize that I loved that title.

I love that I can do crazy things like take my pants off on an LRT (long story) or wear a bucket from Dollarama on my head or recite Shakespeare, or wear a kilt in public, or a sparkly silver hat, and not feel anxious that someone might see me and think I'm "uncool". I would hope that they would see me and think that maybe sure, I'm rather odd, but perhaps also rather interesting.

In the end, where does being what society defines as "cool" get you? Maybe you'll have a couple friends that like you for your expensive clothing, or maybe you'll get a good laugh out of those crazy kids over there wearing the silver tophats. But you'll never be those tophat-kids, so to speak. To see the "cool ones" mock you and laugh right back at their shallowness.

Personally, I'd much rather have a group of friends that embrace the "uncool" (you know who you awesome people are!) and like me for me, not for the act I put on. It doesn't bother me at all if someone calls me weird, or nerdy, or what have you. I like who I am, and I love being out of the ordinary.

Kick average to the curb. Come to the nerdy side, we have Shakespeare.


  1. "We have Shakespeare"?! Funny!

  2. Love it Dorothy!


  3. Have you seen the Vlogbrothers on YouTube? They have a similar philosophy of awesomeness. Anyway, thank you for this post...I totally agree!

  4. "It doesn't bother me at all if someone calls me weird, or nerdy, or what have you. I like who I am, and I love being out of the ordinary." that is so totally true! awesome post.
