Saturday, November 7, 2009

NaNoWriMo- An update and an excerpt

Well, we're coming to the end of week one, and I must say it's going pretty well! I'm at 18,042 words at the time of writing this (hoping to hit 20K tonight, or rather, tomorrow, since it's close to midnight) and my story seems to be coming along.
If you read my other NaNo post, I think I mentioned that it was a murder mystery set in a ballet company. So far I have 2 murders, and have drifted to the sub-plot, which is kind of irrelevant...Basically a ramble about the main character's roommate and her dialysis treatments. It'll probably get edited out in December if I can't figure out a way to tie it in some how.
Anyway, I promised an except in the title of this post. Here it is, I apologize for any spelling/grammar/bad writing:

I can’t get the images out of my head. There’s a knock on the door and Karen gets it. I sit on the couch, numb, as the artistic director walks in.
“Are you okay?” Greg, the artistic director says.
What a stupid question. I just found a murder victim, and threw up. Obviously I’m not okay.
“Yeah.” I mumble, stupidly, but what else am I supposed to say? I’m sure he means physical condition, not emotional. That’s all he cares about. No broken bones, no major muscle problems, that’s all that matters in his mind.
He tries to talk to me about what I saw but I ignore him and just mumble either yes or no, whether that’s relevant to his interrogation or not.
Eventually he gives up and leaves. Greg isn’t very sensitive. In my career as a pretend therapist, one of the things I’ve learned is that you have to give people some time before they’ll be willing to open up. It’s just a cardinal rule with pretty much anyone.
I feel pretty sick still, and I try so hard not to think of it, but the image of blood clouds my head.


  1. Love it! I am amazed at how much you have written already. :) I need to know more about the 'pretend therapist' part.

  2. Sounds great!
    And that writing is FAAAAAAAAR and beyond what I wrote for Nano last year.
    Keep going, I know you can do it!

  3. Dorothy, that is very good! I am curious about the pretend therapist too. Although, if you add the word "pretend" in front of every noun, it would really up your word count!
