Saturday, June 27, 2009

WLBC Day 6: Why blogging sucks sometimes

Alright! One more day to go. And I'm blogging at a much more reasonable time today, too.

But I've been feeling a little disheartened lately.
Sometimes (to quote a friend) I feel like I'm just talking to an empty room when I blog. I try not to be too ranty, or too boring professor-ish or all pictures or no pictures or really goofy. Yet I think I still do all of things. I want to find a nice balance on my blog, I want to somehow make it so that I know that lots of people are reading it and looking forward to another post.
When I first started, it was just a way to get my rambles and rants out, I didn't really care if anyone read it. But now...It feels different.
The whole WLBC thing has made me blog more and I've enjoyed blogging every day, but what, maybe 1 other person is reading?
And I don't blame them. There are probably a lot of better blogs out there.

I'm just feeling kinda, I dunno. Unmotivated to keep up with blogging. Sorry if I sound really depressed in this post, I think it's mainly 'cause I haven't had breakfast yet.
Bye for now, empty room. See ya tomorrow.


  1. Well, I feel that way too. I don't think I have 5 people that regularly read my blog.
    The thing to remember is that even if you have only one other person reading it, you might post something that really hits home with that one person, or that they think is really cool. And another thing is to post stuff that [i]you[/i] think is cool, or that [i]you[/i] think is important to share. Don't try to cater it to your readers too much, but post about what is meaningful to you.
    Just keep blogging.
    I read your blog and I'm interested in what you're up to. :P

  2. My HTML didn't show up. *sigh*

  3. Again, I agree with Dan, but would also like to add: you have more than just one other reader! And yeah, it would be nice to have more people read our blogs, but hey, at least you're getting the thoughts out to the people who DO read it.

  4. Hang on a sec, was I the friend who said the "empty room" thing? Because it sounds very familiar...either that or you used it when talking to me before.

  5. LOL, yup, you were the one who said it.

  6. With a week of blogging do you rest on the seventh day
