Sunday, June 28, 2009

WLBC Day 7: Things I liked about this challenge

Well, since the last post was so down, and because I'm kind of excited that I made it, this is a celebratory post.

I liked the challenge for the most part. Yeah, it was hard sometimes, and yeah I got blogger's block as I call it (see self-checkout post...Or maybe don't.) but overall it was a fun thing to do.

I think it will inspire me to try and get more readers and to blog more.
I'm not so afraid of text-only posts anymore, too! I used to be really wary of posting something if it didn't have pictures, and yeah, I usually find those sorts of posts more interesting, but if they're well written, text-only can be fantastic.
Also, I think I need (like some wise people said in the comments) to stop thinking "Okay, well, if I post about this then person A might find it funny, but I think it'll annoy person B...But what about person C? They read this blog sometimes..." and just go with what I want to say. There's nothing wrong with trying to improve the quality of my posts, but not attempting to style them to the readers.

So yeah. Congratulations to the other participants, maybe we should make this a yearly event!

1 comment:

  1. Nice post! It's always fun to challenge find out things about yourself. And yeah, it seems blogging works out the best if you concentrate on the entry. And...if people like it, then great! And if not, at least you said what was on your mind.
